“The Hungarian sociologist Bálint Magyar has coined the term “mafia state” to describe the creation of “political families” (which can include a ruler’s actual family, as in the examples of Trump’s, Orbán’s, Bolsonaro’s and Erdoğan’s children, with especially nefarious roles reserved for sons-in-law); these families then use the state to enrich themselves.”
Definition of character: moral excellence
– merriam-webster.com
Kimberly Guilfoyle Caught Lying About Vote-by-Mail in Robocalls FACT-CHECKED
In a robocall to voters ahead of the 2020 election, former Fox News host and current girlfriend of Donald Trump, Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, accuses the “radical left” of trying to “confuse you” about mail-in voting. She claims in the call that “Democrats want to scare you away from voting absentee.” There’s no evidence to support Guilfoyle’s claims that absentee voting is substantially different from other types of mail-in voting or that Democrats don’t support absentee voting. The calls come amid a sudden embrace by Trump of mail-in voting in states with Republican governors that he thinks he can win. “Vote-by-mail ballots in my home state of FLORIDA begin going out TODAY!” he tweeted on Thursday. “Make sure to request yours, fill it out & send it in. Request yours today.” Florida is one of many states that don’t require a reason to request an absentee ballot, making it virtually identical to mail-in voting. thedailybeast.com, Sept. 25, 2020
Guilfoyl on character, 2016: “Is it more important to make sure that you have another Clinton or a woman in the White House than it is to have someone [Trump] who is a morally sound character and judgment”. azquotes.com
Guilfoyl on character, 2018: Vanessa Trump confirmed in June 2018 that Guilfoyle was dating her husband Donald Trump, Jr., father of their five children, ages 3-10. The divorce was finalized at the end of 2018. washingtonpost.com, Jun. 14, 2018
Guilfoyle on character 2020: Kimberly Guilfoyle’s sex talk with Trump Jr. reportedly made donors uncomfortable. Trump campaign officials told Politico that Guilfoyle’s fundraising operation for the president was a ‘chaotic’ distraction and she was ‘an H.R. nightmare.’mercurynews.com, Nov. 9, 2020
Guilfoyle on character 2021: A former assistant at Fox accused Guilfoyle, one of the Trump campaign’s top fund-raising officials, of sexual harassment. newyorker.com, Nov. 1, 2020. [
Oct. 1, 2o2o: News broke that Donald Trump, Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, had left the Fox News Channel after an employee complained of sexual harassment, saying she required the employee to work at her apartment, where she would sometimes be naked, and where she would share inappropriate photos of men and discuss her sexual activities with them. She denied any misconduct, but FNC settled the case against her for $4 million. Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson, October 1, 2021. |
Kimberly Guilfoyle, a top official on former President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, will serve as national chair for former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens’ 2022 Senate bid, the Greitens campaign announced Monday.
The personnel announcement is a potential boon for Greitens, who resigned in 2018 amid allegations of sexual assault and multiple other scandals, as he works to tether himself to the Trump political brand and deflect criticism from national Republicans who have criticized his decision to enter the race.
Even before officially announcing his candidacy in March, a potential campaign by Greitens had provoked alarm among Republicans who feared the scandal-plagued former governor could imperil the party’s odds of retaining Blunt’s seat in a narrowly divided Senate.
By QUINT FORGEY 04/19/2021 10:33 AM EDT
The former Fox News star and Trump 2020 adviser reportedly bragged about raising millions for the rally before the riot—a claim her lawyer disputes—as others tied to events that day find themselves in Congress’s crosshairs.
Two of the former first son’s advisors have been subpoenaed by the panel.
. . . the committee said it was particularly interested in their contacts with a number of individuals connected to the “Stop the Steal” rally, including Don Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich,Trump adviser Katrina Pierson, donor Julie Fancelli, and GOP fundraiser Caroline Wren. Guilfoyle’s leaked text messages show her bragging about having raised $3 million for the rally that fueled the Capitol riot and, per ProPublica, “represent the strongest indication yet that members of the Trump family circle were directly involved in the financing and organization of the rally.” Last month, we learned that Don Jr., among others, had sent messages to the White House insisting that the president do something to stop the rioters, requests that were ignored as Trump “gleefully” watched the violence unfold on TV, reportedly remarking to those around him, “Look at all of the people fighting for me.”
From: Heather Cox Richardson from Letters from an American <heathercoxrichardson@substack.com>
Date: March 9, 2022
On March 3, the January 6 committee subpoenaed Kimberly Guilfoyle, the fiancée of Donald Trump, Jr., since she was in “direct contact with key individuals, raised funds for the rally immediately preceding the violent attack on the United States Capitol, and participated in that event.” Committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) noted that Guilfoyle had “backed out of her original commitment to provide a voluntary interview.”
“President Trump’s Legacy of Corruption: Four Years and 3,700 Conflicts of Interest Later”