25+ Ways to Support the Right to Vote & Be Counted


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The Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition

The Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition is the national hub and largest nonpartisan network in the United States dedicated to increasing college student voter participation.

Students vote at lower rates due to systemic barriers. Being a first-time voter on a college campus brings unique challenges: where do you register to vote, how do you get to your polling place without a car, what if you have classes all day on election day?

Local leaders at the college and university level provide creative and effective answers to all of these questions and many more. That’s why the Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition has chosen to invest in local leaders and make sure they’re supported in this work. As a national hub for student voting, we’re providing infrastructure and institutionalization at the campus level to address the most pressing voting issues faced by students.

We convene and connect campuses, nonprofit partners, students, and philanthropic leaders with each other, and with resources and programming towards achieving our vision of ensuring that every student has easy and equal access to participate in every election. We use data, relationships, celebration, and easy-to-follow planning structures, to help campus and local leaders register and turn out more student voters every year. 

Our theory of change is rooted in institutionalizing nonpartisan voter engagement within campus cultures and processes. By connecting and supporting local campus leaders with the resources, tools, and knowledge they need to build a diverse coalition, analyze student voting data, strategically plan, and embed voter registration, voter education, and voter mobilization into existing campus processes, we believe voter engagement can become an integral part of the campus culture. 




Voters of Tomorrow


Voters of Tomorrow is a Gen Z-led 501(c)(4) organization that engages and represents young Americans in politics and government. With chapters in 20 states and a volunteer presence in all 50, we take a locally based, multifaceted approach to engaging young voters. Our team is led by a national staff of young political strategists, organizers, and policy experts.

Our work doesn’t end on Election Day. Elected officials must hear from Gen Zers year-round. Last year, our team held a roundtable discussion with the House Rules Committee and meetings with over 100 Congressional offices plus The White House to talk about our policy priorities. Now, we’re building on these relationships by collaborating with lawmakers on legislation covering a range of topics.


Voting Rights Lab

The Voting Rights Lab is a campaign hub designed to supercharge the fight against voter suppression and transform our voting systems. In partnership with organizations across the country, we build winning state legislative and ballot initiative campaigns to secure, protect, and defend the voting rights of all Americans. The State Voting Rights Tracker is one way we aim to empower the voting rights sector and amplify important legislative and campaign work happening in states across the country. To learn more about our organization, visit votingrightslab.org.

The State Voting Rights Tracker by the Voting Rights Lab analyzes voting and election laws across all 50 states and the District of Columbia and tracks near-real time analysis of voting rights legislation pending across the country.

Our one-of-a-kind tool supports policy experts, advocates, researchers, legislators and anyone on the frontlines of the voting rights movement with critical information about the laws and legislation shaping voting rights in America.

You can explore laws and legislation by individual states (and DC) or by selecting one of the many issue areas we’re focused on. you, our users.


turn UP

We are devoted to increasing youth voter registration and turnout, and build the most active, educated, organized, and powerful network of young progressive activists across the Nation.

We’re now the largest and fastest-growing coalition of youth turnout advocates united by a shared commitment to increase youth voter registration and turnout at the polls by fully investing in our young people, removing systemic barriers to civic participation, and amplifying our formidable voice. See our voting tools at https://www.turnup.us/vote




FairVote is a nonpartisan organization seeking better elections for all. We research and advance voting reforms that make democracy more functional and representative for every American.

In 2022, FairVote is celebrating 30 years of innovation and impact and we’re looking forward to a coming decade of promise. Important and exciting work lies ahead to win ranked choice voting everywhere, pass the Fair Representation Act, and transform our nation’s elections together. We hope you’ll join and support us.


Count Every Vote is a nonpartisan campaign, sponsored by Issue One, dedicated to defending the integrity of our elections and ensuring that every American’s vote is counted. As Americans who believe in the Constitution and have faith in our system of government, we have formed the National Council on Election Integrity — a bipartisan group of political, government, and civic leaders united around protecting the integrity of our elections.



Protect Democracy: 

Our democracy is facing threats we haven’t seen in generations. Protect Democracy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting efforts, at home and abroad, to undermine our right to free, fair, and fully informed self-government. Together, armed with our Constitution and the rule of law, we can renew our democracy and protect it from those who would do it harm.

History has shown that the best way to protect democracy is by standing united in its defense. Your donation will help us to scale up op our efforts to educate, advocate, organize and litigate on behalf of th values we all hold dear.



Fair Fight: Fair Fight Action  organizes collective efforts to expose, mitigate, and reverse voter suppression. We engage in voter mobilization and education activities and advocate for progressive issues.


Election Protection: We protect, advance and defend the right to vote. EP provides Americans from coast to coast with comprehensive information and assistance at all stages of voting – from registration, to absentee and early voting, to casting a vote at the polls, to overcoming obstacles to their participation. 


Asian Americans Act for Justice:Unfortunately, racial discrimination in voting still exists. In order to fully participate in our democracy, Asia Americans must exercise the right to vote in local, state and national elections. We work to eliminate discriminatory barriers and to increase access to the ballot for all voters.


Common Cause: Holding power accountable. We know the ultimate power in a democracy is the people. We are more than 1 million powerful, fearless, ordinary Americans working together to build a democracy that works for all of us.

American Civil Liberties Union: The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees.


The Brennan Center for Justice fights to make elections fair, end mass incarceration, and preserve our liberties — in Congress, the states, the courts, and the court of public opinion. Join us in building an America that is democratic, just, and free.


HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that uses the power of music to register voters and promote participation in democracy. We reach young people and music fans where they already are – at concerts and online – to inform and empower.


LFF: Voting Rights 2021: Our democracy is under attack. Help us dismantle barriers to the ballot box and prepare voters to exercise their right.

LDF’s Prepared to Vote and Voting Rights Defender Projects work to support voting rights and Black political engagement.Through advocacy, legislation and litigation, we are fighting back.


Sign up for updates: https://voting.naacpldf.org/

Become a poll worker: https://voting.naacpldf.org/voting-rights/become-a-poll-worker/

Volunteer with us: https://voting.naacpldf.org/voting-rights/prepared-to-vote/volunteer-with-ptv-and-vrd/

Donate: https://naacp.org/donate


The League of Women Voters Education Fund works to register voters, provide voters with election information through voter guides as well as candidate forums and debates.

Donate @ https://www.lwv.org


At Spread the Vote we work every day to ensure people have what they need to vote. 77% of the people we work with have never voted before and 100% of our clients cannot vote without us.

Support us @ https://kindest.com/spread-the-vote?utm_source=kindest


Vote.org uses technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy.

We work to ensure that the electorate matches the population.

Donate@ https://www.vote.org/donate/


Jews United for Democracy and Justice (JUDJ) is a broad cross-section of American Jews who stand with our community and others to assert a Jewish voice to safeguard the principles and foundations of our constitutional democracy. 




Fair Elections Center works to make the processes of voter registration, voting, and election administration as accessible as possible for every American, with a special focus on student and underrepresented voters. Be a Part of Democracy.

Donate @ https://fairelectionscenter.salsalabs.org

See our updated State Voter Guides: https://www.fairelectionscenter.org/state-specific-resources

Want to Become More Involved on Your Campus? https://www.campusvoteproject.org/sign-up

Work at the polls on Election Day? https://workelections.com


VoteRiders’ mission is to ensure that no eligible voter is prevented from casting a ballot that counts due to voter ID laws, either directly (from lacking acceptable ID) or indirectly (because of voter confusion).  VoteRiders educates voters and assists citizens to secure their voter ID. We inspire and support organizations, volunteers, and communities to sustain such voter ID education and assistance efforts.

You can add a donation sticker to VoteRiders on Instagram when you share a phoot or video to your story.  See https//www.voteriders.org/fundraise


The Sentencing Project is a leader in changing the way Americans think about crime and punishment. https://www.sentencingproject.org/issues/voting-rights/

We envision the full inclusion in society of people with criminal records, and a strategic priority is to protect voter eligibility.

In the past 25 years, half the states have changed their laws and practices to expand voting access to people with felony convictions. Despite these important reforms, 5.2 million Americans remain disenfranchised, 2.3 percent of the voting age population. Of this total, 1.3 million are African Americans.


Donate @ https://www.sentencingproject.org/donate/


The 65 Project

The 65 Project is a bipartisan effort to protect democracy by creating a system of accountability for lawyers who have brought or may seek in the future to bring meritless lawsuits to overturn legitimate elections results. Donate to support our effort today!


Lawyers Defending American Democracy is building a coalition of lawyers united in the defense of democracy.

Sign our latest Open Letter — Be a part of our efforts to demand accountability for those in our profession who do not live up to their oath and to their ethical obligations.

Follow & Subscribe — Connect with LDAD by following us on Twitter. You can also receive our latest emails by subscribing to our newsletter.

Make a Donation — Donations help us to expand and strengthen our coalition and our work. You may contribute any amount you choose or join us by making a monthly recurring donation.

The New Georgia Project



​Georgia’s population is growing and becoming increasingly diverse. Over the past decade, the population of Georgia increased 18%. The New American Majority – people of color, those 18 to 29 years of age, and unmarried women – is a significant part of that growth. The New American Majority makes up 62% of the voting age population in Georgia, but they are only 53% of registered voters.

Sign Up to Volunteer with NGP: The New Georgia Project has some awesome volunteer opportunities and we need you! Want to help with Research, Data Entry, the Policy Department, or become a Social Media Ambassador? Complete the form below to sign up and become an NGP volunteer.
The New North Carolina Project



The New North Carolina Project’s mission is to make politics represent the needs of North Carolinians by investing in communities of color, expanding the engaged electorate and creating #VotersForLife.

Even in 2020, with record high turnout, large fractions of eligible voters of all races and ethnicities did not vote, including more than half of eligible Latinx and Indigenous voters, more than forty percent of eligible AAPI voters, and a third of eligible Black voters. In fact, nearly one million eligible voters of color did not vote in 2020.

Get Involved: Partner with us and join our campaigns and programs Find Out How

Donate Today: Make a donation today to support the statewide and field organizing efforts for the New North Carolina Project. Donate

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Started in 2006, VoteVets PAC and VoteVets Action Fund have been the home for progressive veterans, military families, and their civilian supporters for over 15 years. It is the first organization of its kind and the largest, with over one and a half million supporters in all 50 states.

VoteVets uses public issue campaigns to relentlessly lift up the voices of veterans on matters of national security, veterans’ care, and everyday issues that affect the lives of those who served, and their families.


Black Voters Matter

Our goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny.

We agree with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when he said, “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”

Fair Elections Center

Fair Elections Center is a national, nonpartisan and non-profit voting rights and election reform organization based in Washington, D.C. which uses litigation, public education and advocacy to remove barriers to registration and voting, particularly those disenfranchising underrepresented and marginalized communities, and to improve election administration. Its non-partisan Campus Vote Project works to institutionalize students’ civic engagement into the academic mission of colleges and universities.



The SLSV Coalition

The SLSV Coalition is the national hub and the largest nonpartisan network in the country of campus, nonprofit, community, student, and philanthropic leaders who help student voters get more involved in our democracy. SLSV supports campuses by facilitating collaborations across national, state, and local organizations, coordinating national programs and campaigns, and distributing resources that go directly to local leaders in their communities.




ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement on more than 900 campuses nationwide. ALL IN works to improve civic learning, political engagement, and voter participation through an intentionally-designed program that provides structure, support, and recognition. ALL IN believes higher education should play a role in developing an active and informed citizenry by educating students, motivating them to engage in American democracy, and instilling the value of lifelong participation. ALL IN is a national, nonpartisan initiative of Civic Nation. When We All Vote is a national, nonpartisan initiative on a mission to change the culture around voting and to increase participation in each and every election by working to close the race and age voting gap.

When We All Vote

Created in 2018 by Michelle Obama, When We All Vote brings together individuals, institutions, brands, and organizations to register new voters across the country and advance civic education for the entire family and voters of every age to build an informed and engaged electorate for today and generations to come. We empower our supporters and volunteers to take action through voting, advocating for their rights, and holding their elected officials accountable. When We All Vote is an initiative of Civic Nation.



What Does the 2022 Election Mean for You?

Get ready for the midterm elections with our User’s Guide to Democracy.

“As long as the Republican Party considers Trump a potential candidate for a second term, that party is a direct threat to everything America stands for. Until they reject and move past him, they are nothing more than an adjunct to that mob on that day. And to the lunatic who commanded it.”

— Andrew Sullivan


Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization committed to reporting the nuanced truth about elections and voting at a time of crisis in America.

Our mission is to help people understand our system of democracy so they can participate in strengthening it. Our approach is to cover and explain the mechanics of voting — no political polls, candidate platforms, or Election Day results; instead we will focus on how elections are run, from early and mail-in voting to voter registration and election security. Because we believe that elections are fundamentally a local issue, our coverage is rooted in local communities. Votebeat’s stories available at no cost to readers, as well as to all local and national news outlets.

As a nonprofit, Votebeat’s support comes from a diverse mix of sources, including sponsors who pay for opportunities to share messages with our readers and donors who believe in our mission. As most local news sources shrink, creating more so-called “news deserts,” Votebeat is building a sustainable model that is local, substantive, and independent. View our current supporters and learn more about becoming a sponsor.




Documented is an investigative watchdog and journalism project committed to holding the powerful interests that undermine our democracy accountable.

We believe that hard-hitting, investigative journalism is needed now more than ever.

Corporations and wealthy donors have far too much power and influence in our political and justice systems. Profits and shareholders are too often put ahead of everyday people. The very real and urgent dangers of climate change are being downplayed or ignored. Our democracy itself is under attack.

None of us are neutral in these fights, and we don’t pretend to be. Documented works to level the playing field by pulling back the curtain on those in power to expose corruption. We publish and report on documents, audio, video and other materials that lay bare corporate interests and their network of operatives’ best laid plans to rig the system.

Documented passionately believes that investigative journalism that holds the powerful accountable, serves a critical role in society. 

The findings of our investigations have appeared in most (if not all) major US print, online and broadcast news outlets. This has included The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Intercept, NPR, MSNBC and CNN. Our research and reporting has been frequently cited by policymakers, in particular during congressional oversight hearings, and has been used repeatedly by campaign groups pushing for progressive change.

Documented does not receive any funding from corporations, trade associations or governments. If you would like to donate to help support our work, then please do so here.


Understanding the Threats

Voting Rights: Videos & Lesson Plans