“Nearly two and a half centuries into our experiment of “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” we have learned much about what supports a healthy democracy. We know that expanding the ability of all eligible citizens to vote is the central pillar. That means ensuring that all eligible voters can cast a vote; that all lawful votes are counted; and that every voter has access to accurate information. The Department of Justice will never stop working to protect the democracy to which all Americans are entitled.”
20+ Organizations, 20+ Ways to Volunteer!
Did you know…
The generational makeup of the United States is shifting dramatically. In 2024, Millennials and Gen Z will account for almost 45% of the electorate.
Did you know…
Young people voted in historic numbers in 2018, 2020, and 2022, and were THE determining factor behind the election results in each, respectively.
Now imagine…
If the estimated 8 million young people who will turn 18 before our next Presidential election participate.
Voters of Tomorrow
Voters of Tomorrow is a Gen Z-led 501(c)(4) organization that engages and represents young Americans in politics and government. With chapters in 20 states and a volunteer presence in all 50, we take a locally based, multifaceted approach to engaging young voters. Our team is led by a national staff of young political strategists, organizers, and policy experts.
Our work doesn’t end on Election Day. Elected officials must hear from Gen Zers year-round. Last year, our team held a roundtable discussion with the House Rules Committee and meetings with over 100 Congressional offices plus The White House to talk about our policy priorities. Now, we’re building on these relationships by collaborating with lawmakers on legislation covering a range of topics.
turn UP
We are devoted to increasing youth voter registration and turnout, and build the most active, educated, organized, and powerful network of young progressive activists across the Nation.
We’re now the largest and fastest-growing coalition of youth turnout advocates united by a shared commitment to increase youth voter registration and turnout at the polls by fully investing in our young people, removing systemic barriers to civic participation, and amplifying our formidable voice. See our voting tools at https://www.turnup.us/vote
We are hiring students in key states to run voter registration drives at their high schools and to relationally contact each newly eligible student at their high school or college reminding them to register to vote. We are also utilizing our internship program and online tools to register voters.
Are you considering running for office?
This is a new resource for all who want to get involved, as a candidate, analyst or volunteer, to promote democracy, free and fair elections and non-partisan politics,
The March On for Voting Rights
The March On for Voting Rights is a nonviolent, nonpartisan mass mobilization to demand that elected officials protect democracy, denounce voter suppression and ensure fair, easy access to the vote for all through the passage of comprehensive federal legislation. www.marchonforvotingrights.org/host
- Marches will take place in several flagship cities—Atlanta, Miami, Phoenix and Washington, D.C.—as well as in towns and cities across America where individuals and organizations launch and host them. To learn more about hosting your own march or event, please visit www.marchonforvotingrights.org/host.
- We invite all people who want to protect democracy to join the March On for Voting Rights.
- The march is sponsored by Drum Major Institute, March On, SEIU, National Action Network and Future Coalition
Let America Vote’s Town Hall Project: Attend a Town Hall Near You.
- Use this digital map to Sign up to receive updates on local events. https://townhallproject.com
- Use this online form to email your Senators asking them to lead the way by supporting the For the People Act. https://p2a.co/d3z2dVx
Let America Vote fights back against proposals across the country that make it harder for eligible voters to exercise their constitutional right to cast a ballot.
Future Coalition:
- Founded in 2018 by youth activists, for youth activists, Future Coalition is a national network for youth-led organizations and youth organizers across the country. https://futurecoalition.org
- Our democracy is stronger when people are civically engaged. That means voting, but it also means actively participating, and right now, there’s nothing more important than making sure that every vote counts.
- What can you do? Educate yourself, educate others, and help protect the vote!
- We’ve put together some educational, training and action resources to get you started – consider reaching out to local organizations in your community as well!
- Your Activism Needed! [Freedom to Vote Act]
Indivisible’s For the People Project
- Complete this short online form to receive texts about ways to receive information about events in your area. https://forthepeople.indivisible.org
Indivisible a grassroots movement of thousands of local groups with a mission to elect progressive leaders and rebuild democracy.
Fair Fight:
- Use this form to volunteer for a phone bank or texting: https: https://fairfight.com/join-our-fight/
Fair Fight promotes fair elections around the country, encourage voter participation in elections, and educate voters about elections and their voting rights.
Common Cause
- Use this link to find and sign up for virtual and events near you: https://www.mobilize.us/commoncause/
Common Cause works to ensure that every eligible citizen has the freedom to vote and that their votes are accurately counted.
Rock the Vote
- Fill out this form to volunteer to help register and engage young voters:
- https://www.rockthevote.org/get-involved/volunteer-with-rock-the-vote/
- Join Us and Teach Democracy Class: This is a call for all educators, parents, and community leaders to bring Democracy Class into classrooms and community centers across the country. Join us and sign up to receive the curriculum and training materials!
Rock the Vote focuses on research-driven programs and innovative solutions to right the system and ensure each youth generation is represented in our democracy.
League of Women Voters
- Follow this link to tell your Senator to pass the For the People Act: https://www.lwv.org/elections/educating-voters
League of Women Voters provides a one-stop-shop for nonpartisan candidate and election-related information athttp://vote4111.org/
Asian Americans Act for Justice
- Apply for an internship at https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/index.php/clerkships-and-internships
AAJC works to advance the human and civil rights for Asian Americans, and build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.
- Sign up to register young voters at concert venues and see live music. Go to https://www.headcount.org/volunteer/volunteerfaq
Headcount stages voter registration drives at concerts and runs programs that that translate the power of music into real action.
Election Protection
- Are you a lawyer, paralegal, law student or other legal professional? Sign up to volunteer with Election Protection
- If you aren’t a legal professional, sign up with Election Protection with our nonpartisan poll monitoring program
- To sign up, go to:https://866ourvote.org/volunteer/
Spread the Vote
21 million Americans don’t have photo ID. If they live in a strict voter ID state, they can’t vote. Volunteer to help Americans win back their fundamental right to vote.
- Live in a voter ID state? (FL, GA, IN, WI, LA, NC, TN, MI, TX, VA, WV, PA)
- If Spread The Vote has launched in your state you can sign up to volunteer with a local chapter or start your own chapter. Just visit your state page by clicking the link below:
- https://www.spreadthevote.org/volunteer
Spread the Vote: “When we started Spread The Vote, we were thinking about the future of our country. Who gets to have an ID? Who gets full access to the opportunities of citizenship? Who gets to vote? If everyone who wanted to go to the polls had everything they need to vote? . . . . But, we also started by looking back. Looking at the history that brought us here. Looking at the battles that we have fought before.”
American Civil Liberties Union
Join the ACLU’s People Power volunteer program – organize or join ane event of your friends and neighbors to take action and advocate for an issue relevant to your community: https://go.peoplepower.org/signup/host_new
The ACLU works to protect and expand Americans’ freedom to vote, which is the cornerstone of our democracy and the fundamental right upon which all our civile liberties rest.
Global Citizen
Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges, including protecting the right to vote.
American Bar Association’s Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Join Us. Whatever your area of specialization, CRSJ has a place for you. The Section fulfills our role by: raising and addressing often complex and difficult civil rights and civil liberties issues in a changing and diverse society; and ensuring that protection of individual rights remains a focus of legal and policy decisions.
See the Section’s Sixth Annual State of Voting Rights program @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0Ob1Dz_USE
Black Voters Matter
Our goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny.
We agree with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when he said, “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”
Fair Elections Center
Fair Elections Center is a national, nonpartisan and non-profit voting rights and election reform organization based in Washington, D.C. which uses litigation, public education and advocacy to remove barriers to registration and voting, particularly those disenfranchising underrepresented and marginalized communities, and to improve election administration. Its non-partisan Campus Vote Project works to institutionalize students’ civic engagement into the academic mission of colleges and universities.
The SLSV Coalition
The SLSV Coalition is the national hub and the largest nonpartisan network in the country of campus, nonprofit, community, student, and philanthropic leaders who help student voters get more involved in our democracy. SLSV supports campuses by facilitating collaborations across national, state, and local organizations, coordinating national programs and campaigns, and distributing resources that go directly to local leaders in their communities.
ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement on more than 900 campuses nationwide. ALL IN works to improve civic learning, political engagement, and voter participation through an intentionally-designed program that provides structure, support, and recognition. ALL IN believes higher education should play a role in developing an active and informed citizenry by educating students, motivating them to engage in American democracy, and instilling the value of lifelong participation. ALL IN is a national, nonpartisan initiative of Civic Nation. When We All Vote is a national, nonpartisan initiative on a mission to change the culture around voting and to increase participation in each and every election by working to close the race and age voting gap.
Since our founding in 2017, we have been supporting and providing resources for hundreds of groups and organizers nationwide, and partnering with other progressive organizations on joint initiatives that work to shift the balance of power toward progressive, people-centered ideas.
When We All Vote
Created in 2018 by Michelle Obama, When We All Vote brings together individuals, institutions, brands, and organizations to register new voters across the country and advance civic education for the entire family and voters of every age to build an informed and engaged electorate for today and generations to come. We empower our supporters and volunteers to take action through voting, advocating for their rights, and holding their elected officials accountable. When We All Vote is an initiative of Civic Nation.