Photography and Trademark Credits

“But there is more at stake than the health of the Republican Party when its core activists, as well as a growing number of officials and those campaigning for governmental positions, openly espouse hostility not just to democratic principles but, increasingly, to the word “democracy” itself.”

— Robert Draper
Joker: Donald Trump

Public domain, Library of Congress

Joker: Rudy Giuliani

Gage Skidmore

Ace Clubs: William Barr

Office of Public Affairs

2 Clubs: Donald Trump Jr.

Gage Skidmore

3 Clubs: Mike Pence

Gage Skidmore

4 Clubs: Sean Hannity

Public Domain

5 Clubs: Mo Brooks

Public Domain

6 Clubs: Mark Meadows

Public Domain

7 Clubs: Mick Mulvaney

Gage Skidmore

8 Clubs: Pat Cipollone

Public Domain

9 Clubs: Stephen Miller

Gage Skidmore

10 Clubs: Reince Priebus

Gage Skidmore

Jack Clubs: Jared Kushner

Gage Skidmore

Queen Clubs: Ivanka Trump

Gage Skidmore

King Clubs: Ted Cruz

Gage Skidmore

Ace Diamonds: Allen Dershowitz

Thomas Hawk

2 Diamonds: The Capitol Insurrectionists

Public Domain

3 Diamonds: Ann Coulter

Gage Skidmore

4 Diamonds: Kimberly Guilfoyl

Gage Skidmore

5 Diamonds: Jeanine Pirro

Gage Skidmore

6 Diamonds: Kayleigh McEnany

Gage Skidmore

7 Diamonds: Laura Ingraham

Gage Skidmore

8 Diamonds: Tucker Carlson

Gage Skidmore

9 Diamonds: Matt Gaetz

Gage Skidmore

10 Diamonds: Lou Dobbs

Gage Skidmore

Jack Diamonds: Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Public Domain

Queen Diamonds: Kellyanne Conway

Gage Skidmore

King Diamonds: Rupert Murdoch

Public Domain

Ace Hearts: Michael Cohen

2 Hearts: The RNC

Logo is a registered trademark of Republican National Committee

3 Hearts: Ron DeSantis

Public Domain

4 Hearts: Kristi Noem

Public Domain

5 Hearts: The House Freedom Caucus

Logo is a registered trademark of The House Freedom Caucus

6 Hearts: Sidney Powell

7 Hearts: Rush Limbaugh

Gage Skidmore

8 Hearts: Majorie Taylor Greene

Public Domain

9 Hearts: Mike Lindell

Gage Skidmore

10 Hearts: Cleta Mitchell

Gage Skidmore

Jack Hearts: CPAC

Logo is a registered trademark of CPAC

Queen Hearts: Roger J. Stone, Jr.

The Circus on SHOWTIME

King Hearts: Newsmax

Logo is a registered trademark of Newsmax

Ace Spades: Mitch McConnell

Gage Skidmore

2 Spades: Steve Bannon

Gage Skidmore

3 Spades: Senator John Kennedy

Public Domain

4 Spades: Scott Perry

Public Domain

5 Spades: Eric Trump

Gage Skidmore

6 Spades: Jeffrey Clark

Public Domain

7 Spades: Josh Hawley

Public Domain

8 Spades: Lindsey Graham

Gage Skidmore

9 Spades: Michael Flynn

Gage Skidmore

10 Spades: Alex Jones

Michael Zimmermann

Jack Spades: The Heritage Foundation

Logo is a registered trademark of The Heritage Foundation

Queen Spades: Devin Nunes

Public Domain

King Spades: Kevin McCarthy

Public Domain

George Washington

public domain

Jeff Bezos

Daniel Oberhaus

Mark Finchem

Gage Skidmore

Kelli Ward

Gage Skidmore

Jake Hoffman

Gage Skidmore

Paul Gosar

Gage Skidmore

John Eastman

Peter Navarro

James P. “Phil” Waldron
Ginni Thomas

Gage Skidmore

“But there is more at stake than the health of the Republican Party when its core activists, as well as a growing number of officials and those campaigning for governmental positions, openly espouse hostility not just to democratic principles but, increasingly, to the word “democracy” itself.”

— Robert Draper