• 2017: Promoting Trump’s false ‘voting fraud’ narrative: “Well, I won't reveal private conversations with the president, Judy, but I will tell you that what the president is talking about is registration and voter rolls. He knows there are dead people registered, there are illegal people registered, and he wants to get to the bottom of that without an election on the horizon.   
  • 2021: “Alternative facts”: Conway praised Trump for his response to the U.S. Capitol riots.
  • The very next day: President Trump appoints Conway to the board of visitors of the U.S. Air Force Academy.  

“You’ve got two camps right now of people who should speak out and haven’t. The first camp knows Trump is a dangerous and vindictive man but doesn’t want to upend their lives by provoking his ire. The second camp is more nakedly transactional." - Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration Learn More
Joker: Former President Donald Trump:
“. . . lie and attack, win no matter what . . .”
“I’m telling you the single biggest issue, as bad as the border is and it’s horrible, horrible what they’re doing, they’re destroying our country — but as bad as that is, the single biggest issue — the issue that gets the most pull, the most respect, the biggest cheers — is talking about the election fraud of the 2020 presidential election.”      - Donald Trump, October 10, 2021 “There’s hostility to lying, and there should be.”     – Bob Woodward Learn More
“Johnson was also integral to Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election, . . . and touted Trump’s conspiracy theories about election fraud.” “The newly elected House speaker has ties to the far-right New Apostolic Reformation — which is hell-bent on turning America into a religious state.” ,/em> Outside his district office in the Cannon House Office Building is a flag white which “symbolize[s] a die-hard vision of a hegemonically Christian America. Learn More
For weeks, California’s two most powerful Republicans in Congress would not say whether they’d back President Donald Trump’s last-ditch effort to throw out electoral votes from swing states he lost in November. In the end, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes sided with Trump partisans in voting to toss out votes from Arizona and Pennsylvania.Their vote to dismiss swing state electoral votes came just hours after a mob overwhelmed Capitol Police, forcibly invading the Capitol and forcing senators and representatives to evacuate the House and Senate chambers and shelter in place.      Learn More
“I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is.  He is a racist.  He is a conman.  He is a cheat.”- Michael Cohen's House Testimony: The Complete Transcripts and Case Documents Learn More

2020: Steve Bannon sought to overturn the certified results falsely alleging illegal voting, mail-in ballots and voting machines.

He and Peter Navarro authored a plan "to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to misuse his role as the person officially counting electoral ballots and instead reject them, delaying the certification of Biden’s victory and giving Republican-controlled state legislatures time to overturn the election."

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Priebus on the Trump White House - wow

“When you put a snake and a rat and a falcon and a rabbit and a shark and a seal in a zoo without walls, things start getting nasty and bloody,” 

‘Fear': Bob Woodward Pulls Back the Curtain on President Trump’s Crazytown’,

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Conscience-free Matt Gaetz: Ambitiously joined conspiracy to overturn 2020 election, blamed feds for Capitol insurrection & gleefully campaigned for Arizona election deniers Texts to Meadows as early as three days after Election Day 2020 show lawmakers rallying around the idea of alternate electors. As early as the first or second week of December, the White House’s own counsel was pushing back against the idea. That message was relayed to at least Perry, Jordan, and Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), according to Hutchinson. By Dec. 21, a larger group was meeting at the White House with Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani, where the focus had shifted to the ways former Vice President Mike Pence could buck his ceremonial duty to certify the election results. That group attending that meeting included Jordan, Brooks, Biggs, Gaetz, Greene, Gohmert, Perry, and Reps. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), Hutchinson said. Gaetz, a close associate of the Freedom Caucus, but not an official member, has been one of the former president’s most vocal supporters and has spread conspiracy theories about the “feds” being behind the Capitol riot. According to testimony, Gaetz was one of several members of Congress who requested broad pardons from Trump. Learn More

Ingraham: Two Tales of A City (under Siege): 

As the Jan. 6 attacks on the U.S. Capitol unfolded, Meadows received texts from Fox News hosts Laura Ingraham and Brian Kilmeade, as well as Hannity, according to the newly released communications.

“Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home,” Ingraham wrote. “This is hurting all of us."

Ingraham’s private missives, however, differed starkly from what she said on her show later that evening, when she began whitewashing the violence of the day and claiming the attacks were “antithetical” to the Trump movement. 

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The Dershowitz Double Standard for Impeachment (one part bravado, two parts chutzpah, shaken, not stirred):
  • 1998: Dershowitz on the impeachment of Bill Clinton: “It certainly doesn’t have to be a crime if you have somebody who completely corrupts the Office of the President and who abuses trust and poses a great danger to our liberty, you don’t need a technical crime.  
  • 2020: Dershowitz on the first impeachment of Donald Trump: “And if a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment." 
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