If there is a madness, slight or otherwise, in Kennedy’s bid, it is not confined to his hubris. He is roiling with conspiracy theories: S.S.R.I.s like Prozac might be the reason for school shootings, vaccines cause autism. There are many. To prepare for the conversation, I listened to some of Kennedy’s podcast sessions with the likes of Bari Weiss, Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand, and Joe Rogan. I watched his marathon announcement speech and tuned in to all the hosannas he was getting from a peculiar amen corner that includes Steve Bannon, Jack Dorsey, and Tucker Carlson. In his 2021 book “The Real Anthony Fauci,” Kennedy accuses Fauci, who was then the nation’s top infectious-disease doctor, of helping to carry out “2020’s historic coup d’état against Western democracy.” (The book has blurbs from Carlson, Naomi Wolf, Alan Dershowitz, and Oliver Stone.) https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-alternative-facts-of-robert-f-kennedy-jr Learn More
“I don’t even know if she believes the Big Lie. But she is absolutely responsible for propagating a lie that will undermine our democracy.” - Margaret Hoover, a center-right commentator who worked with Stefanik at the Bush White House and now hosts PBS’s Firing Line. Stefanik says she ‘would not have done what Mike Pence did’ on Jan. 6. Steve Bannon, the far-right activist and alleged fraudster, who was Trump’s campaign chair and White House strategist and remains a close ally, told NBC Stefanik was “at the top” of the running-mate race.        
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Attorney Habba is also a senior advisor for MAGA Inc, the political action committee supporting Mr Trump's re-election. According to ABC News, she has been paid over $3.5m for her work for the group.
The one great principle of English law is to make business for itself.
- Charles Dickens Learn More
After Joe Biden won the state of Arizona, Hoffman, an Arizona state representative, declared himself a state elector and attempted to submit false documents to the National Archive asserting that Arizona had been won by Republican candidate Donald Trump. Learn More
Following the 2020 election, Trump’s handpicked RNC chair, Ronna Romney McDaniel, pledged to go to state legislatures to “make sure that what we saw in this election never happens again,” regurgitating President Trump’s debunked claims of illegal votes and voting procedures. The RNC mobilized Trump's Big Lie of a stolen election, shepherding a new wave of Red state vote-suppressing laws designed to disenfranchise voters with opposing views. It deployed a so-called national "election integrity" committee (and state counterparts) to usher in these laws in 19 states.  The committee is filled with members who backed Trump's falsehoods and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.           Learn More
"And if there’s one thing we’ve learned about Tommy Tuberville, it’s that he’ll never let what’s good for Americans, including his constituents, stand in the way of what’s good for him and his political party."
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Mr. Clark, Mr. Eastman and Mr. Perry all played roles in the effort to keep Mr. Trump in office, according to extensive evidence gathered by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House select committee that is looking into the events of Jan. 6. The men also each had direct dealings with Mr. Trump, meaning the inquiry could ultimately lead to the former president. Mr. Perry was instrumental in pushing Mr. Trump to appoint Mr. Clark as his acting attorney general over the objections of several other top officials at the Justice Department. At one of its presentations, the House committee released text messages in which Mr. Perry repeatedly pressured Mark Meadows, then Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, to reach out to Mr. Clark. Perry, a five-term congressman who last fall became chair of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, is known both for his vigorous support of Trump and for his history of promoting baseless conspiracies on issues that range from terrorism to the coronavirus to the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.   Learn More
For weeks, California’s two most powerful Republicans in Congress would not say whether they’d back President Donald Trump’s last-ditch effort to throw out electoral votes from swing states he lost in November. In the end, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes sided with Trump partisans in voting to toss out votes from Arizona and Pennsylvania.Their vote to dismiss swing state electoral votes came just hours after a mob overwhelmed Capitol Police, forcibly invading the Capitol and forcing senators and representatives to evacuate the House and Senate chambers and shelter in place.      Learn More

 Rupert Murdoch doesn’t believe Trump was cheated. But he’s letting Fox personalities spin tales that could permanently harm America.

Murdoch tries to have it both ways and it’s time for Fox to dispense with the bad-faith, bifurcated approach to the truth it has used for years.

His news operation — the one Trump tweets angrily about — has told its viewers that Trump lost the election and that his complaints about voter fraud are made up. 

But in the morning, and at night, Fox allows its most popular stars – Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, the Fox & Friends crew - to peddle lies to its audience under the guise that they’re merely offering their opinions. ​

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"Law-and-order" Republicans:  It was a “normal tourist visit."  FBI: “The Capitol [is] essentially a crime scene”. Capitol Insurrectionist: “We wait and take orders from our president.”  Insurrectionist Lonnie Coffman of Alabama brought to the Capitol a truckload of weapons and a Texas man was convicted of storming the U.S. Capitol with a holstered handgun, helmet and body armor. Cassidy Hutchinson, ​​former White House aide: The president knew the crowd on Jan. 6 was armed, but wanted to loosen security. Mr. Trump:  Planned to lead a march to the Capitol on Jan. 6 but wanted it to look spontaneous, the Jan. 6 committee revealed. Learn More