Enabled Card Deck



Joker: Former President Donald Trump



Joker: Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer

Ace of Clubs: William Barr, Former U.S. Attorney General

King of Clubs: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (TX )

Jack of Clubs: Jared Kushner, Trump son-in-law and senior advisor

Queen of Clubs: Ivanka Trump, daughter and Trump political advisor
Ten of Clubs: Reince Priebus, Trump’s First Chief of Staff
Nine of Clubs: Stephen Miller, Senior Policy Advisor
Eight of Clubs: Pat Cipollone, lead defense attorney in the first Senate impeachment trial
Seven of Clubs: Mick Mulvaney, Acting White House Chief of Staf
Six of Clubs, Mark Meadows, White House Chief of Staff
Jack of Spades: Jake Angeli, QAnon ‘Shaman’
Four of Clubs: Sean Hannity, Fox News
Five of Clubs, U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (AL)
Three of Clubs: Vice President Mike Pence
Two of Clubs, Donald Trump Jr., son and Trump advisor
Ace of Diamonds: Allen Dershowitz, Trump legal advisor
King of Diamonds: Rupert Murdock, owner of News Corp, Fox News and The Wall Street Journal
Queen of Diamonds: Kelly Anne Conway, former Press Secretary
Jack of Diamonds: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Former Press Secretary
Ten of Diamonds: Lou Dobbs, Fox Business
Nine of Diamonds: U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL)
Eight of Diamonds: Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Nine of Spades: Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor and U.S. Army Lt. General (retired), convicted and Trump pardoned
Eight of Spades: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC)
Two of Spades: Steve Bannon, former White House Chief Strategist, Pardoned by Trump
Nine of Hearts: Mike Lindell, “MyPillow” CEO, Trump Contributor and Trump Coronavirus Task Force Member
Eight of Hearts: Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (GA) 
Seven of Hearts: Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio host 
Six of Hearts: Sidney Powell, attorney
Five of Hearts: The House Freedom Caucus
Four of Hearts: Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota
Three of Hearts: Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida
Two of Hearts: The Republican National Committee
Ace of Spades: U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY), former Senate Majority Leader (2015-2021)
King of Spades: U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA)
Queen of Spades: U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes (CA)
Seven of Spades: U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (MI)
Four of Spades: U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (PA)
Three of Spades: U.S. Sen. John Kennedy (LA)
Seven of Diamonds: Laura Ingraham, Fox News
Six of Diamonds: Kayleigh McEnany, former Trump Press Secretary
Five of Diamonds: Jeanine Pirro, Fox News
Four of Diamonds: Kimberly Guilfoyl, Trump Fund Raiser, former Fox TV Host
Three of Diamonds: Ann Coulter, conservative author, who now rejects Trump
Two of Diamonds: The Capitol Insurrectionists
Ace of Hearts: Michael Cohen, Trump lawyer and fixer (convicted but not Trump pardoned)
King of Hearts: newsmax.com, conservative American news and media organization
Queen of Hearts: Roger J. Stone, Jr., lobbyist and political consultant (convicted and Trump-pardoned)
Ten of Hearts: Cleta Mitchell, former attorney at Foley & Lardner, LLP*
Six of Spades: Jeffrey Clark, U.S. Department of Justice
Five of Spades: Eric Trump, son and advisor

“As long as the Republican Party considers Trump a potential candidate for a second term, that party is a direct threat to everything America stands for. Until they reject and move past him, they are nothing more than an adjunct to that mob on that day. And to the lunatic who commanded it.”

— Andrew Sullivan